MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
(main | feedwatchlist)
- This module requires read rights.
- Source: MediaWiki
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Returns a watchlist feed.
- feedformat
The format of the feed.
- One of the following values: atom, rss
- Default: rss
- hours
List pages modified within this many hours from now.
- Type: integer
- The value must be between 1 and 72.
- Default: 24
- linktosections
Link directly to changed sections if possible.
- Type: boolean (details)
- allrev
Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe.
- Type: boolean (details)
- wlowner
Used along with token to access a different user's watchlist.
- Type: user, by ชื่อผู้ใช้
- wltoken
A security token (available in the user's preferences) to allow access to another user's watchlist.
- wlshow
Show only items that meet these criteria. For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set show=minor|!anon.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): !anon, !autopatrolled, !bot, !minor, !patrolled, !unread, anon, autopatrolled, bot, minor, patrolled, unread
- wltype
Which types of changes to show:
- edit
- Regular page edits.
- new
- Page creations.
- log
- Log entries.
- external
- External changes.
- categorize
- Category membership changes.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): categorize, edit, external, log, new
- Default: edit|new|log|categorize
- wlexcludeuser
Don't list changes by this user.
- Type: user, by any of ชื่อผู้ใช้, ไอพี, interwiki name (e.g. "prefix>ExampleName") และuser ID (e.g. "#12345")
- Show the watchlist feed.
- api.php?action=feedwatchlist [open in sandbox]
- Show all changes to watched pages in the past 6 hours.
- api.php?action=feedwatchlist&allrev=&hours=6 [open in sandbox]